The longest time investment in my
recovery came in physio - and the bulk of that with a single PT,
Christina Mellott. At one of our first sessions, she asked for my
recovery goals: "do you want to get up from the sofa, go to the fridge,
get a beer, then back to the sofa?". "No, back to ultimate frisbee".
"OK, that sets the bar at a different place!" And we went from there.
I had some 10 weeks of physio with Christy, and she guided me through
all the strengthening and flexibility exercises, with an eye to what I
would need back on the field. And setting realistic expectations for
how to get there and how long it might take. And the discipline and the
stop watch to say "What? You're not done yet... and then two more reps
after that!". It was a fun time working with her towards my "cure".